Due to our high technical standards, we can guarantee the quality and consistency our customers have come to expect. This includes frequent monitoring and testing of built‐in components expected by our customers to assure smooth and fluent energy production.
Our machines are designed to be durable and to maintain constant production ratios. This is made possible by the quality of the materials used and the calibre of the design of the built‐in components as well as by our manufacturing experience.
The design and structure of the generator with the associated components, guarantees very low maintenance requirements. We provide a full contracted service solution for our customers.
Due to our unique design, maintenance on our products is virtually effortless. The layout of the parts makes reparation simple and direct.
Our products are designed to be quickly adaptable to any technological developments in the next few decades. Because of this ability to continuously upgrade our products, we are able to consistently reach peak efficiency.
Network mode
The machine is connected to the local supplier’s network. The power output is fed into the network by an inverter, qualified and accepted by the power supplier.
Island mode (with batteries)
If a network is not available, an island mode with batteries can be utilized. With this solution, the batteries will store the energy until the consumption.
The 30kW Wind Generator has the same control, supervising and monitoring system as the WTW12,5. The main difference, originating from the mechanical design of the machine, is the higher performance. The generated energy feeds into the low‐voltage network through a three‐phase inverter.
The programmable ‘Pitch Control System’ guarantees, that the machine always reaches the highest efficiency in energy production.
Wind Generator for farms, smaller industrial and agricultural production facilities.
Currently, the WTW.50 is the biggest member of our product family in energy production, with a highly developed control, supervising and monitoring system. The generated energy feeds into the low‐voltage network through a three‐phase inverter. The amount of extractable energy exponentially increases with the higher positioning of the machine.
The programmable ‘Pitch Control System’ guarantees, that within continental climate conditions, in areas that wind is always blowing, the machine always reaches the highest efficiency in energy production.
We offer the WTW.50 totally adjusted to your local average wind conditions. We recommend the 50kW Wind Generator for industrial and agricultural production facilities, farms, public institutions, governments and communities.